Creativity is like a jungle, you can kind of predict what is going on in there, but you are never quite sure what’s going to happen once you go in.

I work on the pages of my webcomic, Siblings of Steel, in batches.  Right now, I am shading pages 67-83. At the beginning of each stage of the process, I am a little daunted by the work ahead, but mostly I am excited to begin.  Towards the end, I begin to get bored and tired.  I have to pace myself lest I get burnt out.  This cycle has become easier over time as I become more familiar with the ins and outs of my jungle.  If you are considering starting a creative project or have already started on it, I recommend expecting some creative turbulence initially.  Especially if this is your first foray into the type of project you are beginning.

I began work on Siblings of Steel in early December of 2020, and it has taken me this long to get my creative feet under me and develop habits that best suit my particular brain.  And I am always learning something new; I suspect that even when I have been doing this for 20 years or more, I will still be learning and changing and growing. 

I choose, then, not to be discouraged by the fact that what I create now will not live up to my future standards but be excited by the works I will make, things that I can scarcely imagine now. There is always more jungle to explore!