
Hello there! My name is Callum Quinn, and I work as a website developer. In my free time, I create webcomics and YouTube videos. I have graduated with good marks after completing several graphic design and web design courses. I have always been passionate about storytelling and learning, which inspired me to create my own stories. As someone who has ADHD, Dyslexia, and OCD, I am particularly interested in writing neurodiverse characters. I am the self-publisher of two webcomics named “Siblings of Steel” and “Atypical Arts,” and I also produce a podcast titled “Sever the Plot Thread!” Apart from my work and hobbies, I enjoy volunteering and taking long walks. You can contact me on Twitter @CallumQuinn777.
Hi, my name is Callum Quinn. I code websites for a living and make comics and YouTube videos in my spare time. I have taken several graphic design and web design courses and graduated with good marks. I have a love of learning and storytelling that has been with me from a very early age and it has motivated me to start making my own stories. I self-publish the webcomic Siblings of Steel. When I’m not working on websites, I can usually be found doing volunteer work, watching cartoons, or taking long walks. You can contact me on Twitter @CallumQuinn777.