After finding their only leads, local gang members, dead in their hideout, Phren and Yoselin seem out of luck. But there is still much to this mystery, and a vital lead may present itself. That is, if they live long enough to use it…


So, it’s been three months since I put out issue one, and now issue two is out as last—a very fast turnaround for a one-man team. My goal for issue three is two months, ten days. Barring any major dips in my mental health (always a possibility, unfortunately), I should have no problem making that deadline. In many ways, the second issue is even more important than the first. If the first one was good, this needs to be better, and if it was bad, then this may be your last chance to hook readers. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m very happy with how the first book turned out, and the feedback was very positive. So now that you have issue two on your screens, I hope you find it even more enjoyable than the first. Let me know your thoughts on this issue and the series so far because I can’t wait to hear it!–

Callum Quinn 7/14/23