I never know how much to reveal about my current projects, but here it goes: I am working on a reboot of Siblings of Steel! For those who don’t know (which is probably most of you ), SOS was the webcomic I worked on from January of 2020 through July of this year.
I was very new to comics when I started, and didn’t have the story planed out as well as I would have liked. Also, I learned so much about drawing, formatting, and the more technical side of this crazy industry.
So in July I decided to take some time off to reevaluate what I wanted from this story that means so much to me. I learned a TON about scripting and series outlines. I now have a much better idea of how long I want the story to be as well as the best way to tell it.
That said, this new series will will be a complete reboot. There will still be some of the same characters, but a lot of the lore, character designs, backstories, etc. have changed. With that in mind, I have taken the original three chapters that I completed off the internet, as I don’t want that to be people’s first impression of these characters and this world. I am still very proud of those early works, and maybe I’ll make them available again some day.
Now on to the new stuff: When will it be ready? I’m not sure. My goal is to have the first arc (4 issues) done by August or September of next year. But life may get in the way.
Where can I read it? Again, not sure. I am hoping to get it published by a small independent comics company, but we’ll have to wait and see. If they’re not interested, I will probably release it digitally though gumroad, Amazon, or the like.
Well, that’s it for now. I knew it may not feel like it, but a lot of progress has been made, and I’m feeling VERY excited about it. And I’ll try to keep you guys updated as things progress. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely- Callum Quinn