So 2023 is fast approaching, and if you couldn’t guess by the title, I’m excited about what Hasbro and Transformers will be doing in the new year. If you’ve been a fan of the robots in disguise for the last few years, then you’ll know that news has been pretty slow if you aren’t a toy collector.
We barely know anything about the new movie trilogy, and we have no idea who will be taking over making the comics.
The thing we know the most about is the new show, Earthrise. It technically is coming out this September, but it’s close enough to 2023 that I will count it. And it’s been frustrating, checking google for TF news and finding nothing but the occasional comic story and a bunch of toy news. It’s been FOUR YEARS since the last live-action movie, and it’s been just under a year since the announcement that a new company will be taking over TF comics.
And we still have no idea who will be running the show or in what direction they will take the comics. It’s frustrating that they’ve been keeping us out of the loop. But that’s all about to change. And I feel that the weeks leading up to September will usher in this new era.
We will finally have a new cartoon running. I also think that since the new movie will be released next June, we can probably expect a teaser trailer around December, which will give us a little more insight into how the next few years of TF movies will go.
Also, towards the end of this year, Hasbro will probably announce who will be taking over the comics, and to be honest, that’s what I’m most anxious and excited about.
Since it’s a part of the franchise I interact with most frequently. I am worried and hopeful for a lot of this franchise, if I’m honest. I feel like we haven’t really had a cartoon aimed at the older fans since Prime, and even though Earthrise still looks to be firmly aimed at the younger crowd, something about it makes it seem more… intriguing somehow?
I just have a good feeling about this one. As for the movie Rise Of The Beasts, I’m hopeful. I am a tad concerned that they’re trying to cram too much into one film, but the director seems to be a pretty big fan of the franchise, and I like the vehicle designs they’ve shown us, so maybe it will turn out ok. I’m waiting until they show us the robot mode designs before getting my hopes up too high. And then there’s the comics.
I think they’ve made an effort to appeal to older fans regarding the comics. They go more in-depth and have more mature themes.
So I’m excited to see what Hasbro has been cooking up for these last few months of 2022 and what they have planned for 2023 and beyond. But whatever the future may hold, I’ll be there, watching and reading, till all are one.